Annual Maintenance Programs
Annual Tankless Water Heater Service/ Flush and Descale
Every manufacturer of tankless water heaters recommends a regular Service/ Flush and Descale.
Due to the hard water, especially if your house is on a well, the heater will develop lime and mineral deposits in the heat exchanger.
Sediment build-up is especially dangerous in narrow water passages as it might clog the heat exchanger and prevent further normal heating operation.
If you don't flush the water heater, the heat exchanger can get damaged as not enough water will pass through and cool it down.
Any damage which is related to lime scale build-up is not covered by the warranty.
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Full service includes:
- Full descale and flush of the heat exchanger - we use FlowAide for flushing and descaling.
- Clean out the condensate trap on the inside of the heat exchanger
- Check/ clean intake and exhaust flue pipes
- Check gas pressures
- Clean inlet and outlet water filters (Hot & Cold)
Annual Combi Boiler Service & Inspection
In order to maintain its safe and efficient operation, it is recommended that combi boilers are serviced every 2 years minimum.
- Visual inspection for general signs of corrosion
-Checking and adjusting the gas/air ratio
-Checking Flue Gas
-Carrying Out a Water Leak Test in Operation
-Carrying out a gas leak test in operation
-Checking Hot Water Temperature and Flow
-Checking Noise
-Checking venting systems
-Checking the remote controller
-Draining the boiler and cleaning the inlet water filter
-Refill boiler and add inhibitor
-Cleaning the Return Filter and magnetic filter
-Cleaning the intake air filter -
Flushing the heat exchanger
-Replacement of parts as and if necessary (for equipment out of warranty or with no warranty. we will invoice for these separately)

We are factory trained by the 3 main manufacturers in the equipment we specialize in.
We are not "dealers" and we have no "salesmen".
Our recommendations and specifications are based on the best equipment for that job.

Fixed Rate/ Flat Rate Pricing
With us you will know exactly what you are paying for and what you will get at the end.